Planning on growing cannabis? Right on! Just like the many plants that you have in your garden, cannabis is also a low-maintenance plant. Just like it works with the other plans your overall quality and results of the harvest will definitely depend on the care that you offer this plant. You will definitely have your hands full here! Time does not permit me to offer a feeding schedule for cannabis however; in this article I could give you an overall insight on the best compost for cannabis. So, let’s begin to explore the numerous ways that you can care for your cannabis plant all year round by following the organic process. We’ll also discuss a few care tips along with the best way to utilize foliar sprays, botanical teas, teas from sprouted seeds, top dressings, aloe Vera and mulch that will help you to feed your cannabis plants.

Using organic compost to feed your cannabis plant 

Silica and aloe Vera as the best compost for cannabis 

Actually, I would not want to classify this as a fertilizer however; they do have a vital role in the care routine for cannabis. I definitely recommend utilizing them and it’s not just me but many organic growers of cannabis also recommend the same. Each of them provides a wide range of benefits that compliments the feeding practices. The best way to utilize silica and aloe vera is by adding small powdered portions into your daily routine that include foliar spray, T solution, watering, etc.

Using mulch as The best compost for cannabis 

In order to maintain healthy soil, the best practice is to mulch on the surface of the soil. I prefer utilizing Biodynamics accumulators because they allow the soil to retain moisture however, they will break down later into energy and nutrients that the cannabis can use. These plants are also excellent for storing and taking up nutrients to the leaves. For instance, Biodynamic accumulators such as dandelion greens, horsetail, yarrow, comfrey, and barrage are great in terms of green mulching because they can correct the nitrogen levels. Suppose you cannot get these plants then straw should also work well as mulch, however, they do not feed the cannabis plants like the others. Therefore, we prefer to grow these plants keeping mulching as our focus.

Compost tea as the best compost for cannabis  

Compost tea is a personal favorite, and we prefer using the tea that is actively aerated and made specially from the costings of worms. We feed the garden with this tea once in a few months, and I mean all our plants not just cannabis.

Foliar sprays as the best compost for cannabis 

Give your cannabis a routine and regular foliar spray as it will help to prevent the cannabis from pests. Make sure that you spray your cannabis with foliar spray regularly.

Fermented plant juices as the best compost for cannabis 

These juices are nutrient-dense because they consist of plants that include aloe vera, purslane, mugwort, yarrow, stinging nettle, borage, and comfrey. These are also alternatives but honestly, we do not use them regularly hence I would skip the details about it.

So that’s all for the best compose that you can utilize for cannabis. I do hope that the insights mentioned in this article will help you grow your cannabis well. All the best! 

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