Meet Mehrish

I gifted this website to my daughter Mehrish on her fourth birthday. Like many kids of her age she always liked to play in the mud and nurture whatever grows from within. My beloved mother taught me the basics of gardening as she is a gardening enthusiast herself. I learnt a lot from her and now I am happy to share everything with my beautiful daughter.
Mehrish adored the soil and plants since she was a toddler, inheritance ofcourse. Her love for gardening was further fueled by the kid gardening videos which she preferred watching over kid shows. This year I really wanted her to have a garden as birthday gift but the ongoing pandemic of covid-19 has resulted in major lockdown and left us all crippled. Hopefully this too will fade and we will have better days, no later I will make a much better garden for her.
The garden I desire for my daughter will soon come but her birthday couldn’t be postponed so here I am with, where I will share the topics and posts shortlisted by Mehrish. Being a kid her screen time is regulated hence the site will be posted and looked upon by me as of now, she will have complete control in a couple of years.
Its important to know that food comes from the backyard garden or farm and not from the market. Mehrish’s enthusiasm for gardening and her posts will surely motivate gardeners of all ages to pursue their interest and help them along the way.
Learn, apply and inspire!