Not all of us have the luxury of having a huge amount of space in our backyard to compost a large pile. Also, let me point out that all municipalities do not allow composting in the backyard. Lucky for us it is possible now too compost in space is that is small. You could also choose to do it from your balcony or patio. So basically, you can compost effectively with a trash can in a room. In this article, we will discuss how we could make our very own compost trash can along with a few tips to enhance the process and make it convenient. So, keep reading to learn something new today! 

Tip for a compost trash can 

Make sure the trash can consist of only materials that are organic allowing you to transform it to compose that is usable in about 3 weeks. This can be achieved if the mixture is regularly turned in order to infuse oxygen. But, it could also take around two months for the entire process to complete. 

Materials required for a compost trash can 

  • Silicone caulk 
  • Aluminum screen 
  • Plastic or metal bin with lid (proximately 32 gallons) 
  • Bricks (optional) 
  • Compost starter or nitrogen fertilizer (optional) 
  • Organic waste that is plant-based

Tools/ equipment 

  • Hole saw of 2-3 inch 
  • Drill 

Directions to make a compost trash can 

  • Choose a trash bin – it should be metal or plastic and at least 32 gallons with an airtight lid. If you are facing issues with pest and rodents then I strongly recommend a metal bin.
  • With the help of a drill bit, drill holes around the bin, approximately 6-10 inches apart. The holes will offer a flow of oxygen within the compost pile.
  • You will now need to cover every hole with screening windows made from metal. These holes must be covered from the inside. You can use silicone caulk to secure them
  • Place your compost bucket in a location that is convenient for you. Please bricks below it to increase the circulation of airflow beneath the bin
  • It’s time to add the organic matter to the brand-new composter. You can begin to add all your recyclable garden and household waste that include; shredded newspaper, tea bags, tea leaves, spent flowers, leaves, weed, coffee grounds, food that is overdue, leftover vegetables, vegetable and fruit scores, and peels.

Your composter is now ready however there are certain things that you should keep in mind like having a healthy balance between the brown material and the green materials. Suppose you have an excess of green materials that includes vegetable and fruit peels, grass clippings, and weeds, the entire file will remain soggy and begin to stink. However, if you have added an excess of brown materials that includes coffee grounds, shredded paper, twigs, and leaves the heap will not have the required amount of heat and the process of decomposing reduces. Always make sure to maintain a ratio of 1:4 of greens to Browns accordingly. 

Make sure to mix your compost pile regularly and avoid meat and dairy products. Follow these few tips and you would be successful with your compost trash can. All the best! 

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