Compost has been an age-old remedy by many gardeners to enrich the soil and enjoy a bountiful harvest. I thank our forefathers were wiser than most of us today. They knew how to enjoy a bountiful harvest along with recycling all the composable household and garden wastes. In today’s time and age, everyone looks for an easy solution to a difficult situation. In all cases the easiest thing is, to go into your local garden shop and pick up a bag of compost. But how confident are you about this bag of compost? When you make your compost, you know that it is 100% safe for your plans and has no toxic materials at all. The average American household garbage consists of almost 60% of compostable waste. If each one of us begins to compost the waste we will be contributing not only towards our planet but also be reducing the overspills in our landfills.

If you have started composting then let me congratulate you on taking up an eco-friendly habit. It’s time that we pass this on to the future generation as well. Now if you are looking at a convenient way to add compost to existing trees, then you come to the right place. Today we will be discussing just that. Keep reading and learn the methods to do so; 

Amending the soil to add compost to existing trees 

Soil amender improves the physical properties of the soil that includes; aeration, drainage, permeability, and retention of water. When you slowly add compost to the soil it becomes a very good amender.

Lay down a four-inch layer around the trees with your hand. And if it is your plants do it gently to avoid damaging the roots and maintain space from the trunks and stems. This is extremely important to avoid rotting off the roots. 

Digging holes to add compost to existing trees 

When you dig holes and add compost in the garden it will enrich the soil in the bed.

Dig a deep hole of 12 inches in the garden and make sure to fill it with compost. Dig sufficient holes in order to add the finished quote of compost that you have. The holes must be filled with two quarts and top up with soil.

Compost Tea 

This is also an excellent option for you to feed your trees in the garden along with the other plants. They contain high levels of minerals and nutrients that are extremely important. Making compost tea is extremely easy you could do it at home. The simplest way to go about it is, place it in a cloth bag and put it in a tub of water. Allow it to remain in it for at least three days. Then, let it to rest for a couple of days and you could then use the ready tea. You know that the tea is done when you see a deep brown color. 

Utilizing compost like mulch 

All through the yard can be utilized as mulch, but before you do so make sure you remove all the weeds and grass, or else they would consume all the nutrients. Spread it on top of the soil to avoid contact with the roots or stems. 

Overall, just be sure to follow the above tips and you are good to go. All the best! 

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