Suppose you have worked extremely hard to make your compost pile. And after months of tending and turning and patiently waiting, compost is ready! Yay! But what should we do with it?

You already have your compose ready and want to know of the best way to use it or maybe you are contemplating beginning your pile, whatever the reason in this article we will discuss more the best way to use your compost that will help your garden to benefit the most from it. Keep reading to know more.

Every gardener has a little magic that they apply for their plants, it’s compost. Compost has a unique power to transform all your organic materials into nutrient soil helping plants to grow. Compost is also known to be black gold initially the entire process seems very complicating and overwhelming however, once you get to it you will realize you have plenty of little workers to help you with the host’s process. There are numerous ways to use this precious gold. The major issue that most gardeners face is there is never enough. That is why utilizing it carefully is very important.

The gardening community has various ways that they compost and we love the part about the time, compost is incredibly versatile. Before you decide to dig into your compost pile and start utilizing the finished compost always remember that the compost has to be ready or else it will attract many pests, damaging the plants. There are also possibilities that it will exhaust all the nutrients in the soil, and your plants will lack nutrition. So, before you begin to use your compost make sure;

  • The texture of the compost is smooth and crumbly 
  • It has a rich dark color 
  • It should also have an odor that is loamy and sweetly fragrant 

Also, remember that compost takes its time to mature depending upon 3 things;

  1. The kind of composting you’re using- cold or hot 
  2. The frequency in which you turn the compost
  3. The overall type and size of the organic materials of the pile

Advantages of utilizing compost in your garden and yard  

There are numerous benefits including; 

  • Natural healthy soil organisms within your soil 
  • A good pH balances 
  • Increased nutrition level 
  • Enhanced soil structure 
  • Better retention of moisture 

What to do with compost

  1. Utilizing them in the vegetable patch to grow squash, cucumbers, eggplants, tomatoes, and melons.
  2. They are excellent to follow your container plants.
  3. Excellent fertilizer for fruit trees 
  4. Can be used to top-dress the garden beds 
  5. Can spread the compost on established or new lawns 
  6. They are excellent for spring bulbs 
  7. Excellent feed for all perennials 
  8. You can brew your very own compost tea 
  9. You can also mix it with your potting soil 
  10. Excellent to use as mulch 

So, you see there are plenty of ways for you to use your finished compost. If you don’t have your own compost, you can begin your old pie today and just in a couple of weeks, your garden would be enjoying nutrient-rich food.

If you have any other way to use the compost do share it with us. All the best! 

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