Growing up we have been hearing about famous quotes that will tell us that everything has a time and it must be done in that particular time. It is applicable to gardening and yes of course there is time for sowing and time for reaping. In a similar fashion, there is a time for you to add mulch and compost to your soil. You must add it at the right if you happen to add it a bit too early or too late it could arise certain issues. So, without further ado let us learn more about the time to put mulch and compost.

When is the best Time to put mulch 

Well, the best time that you could mulch your garden will depend on the kind of plant matter that you are planning too mulch. It also depends upon the weather in the location that you are in but in this article, we could speak in general. I always recommend anytime in between mid and late spring. It is the best time because the soil has just begun to warm up from all the cold temperatures that it has experienced throughout winter. If you mulch before this. It will definitely reduce the process of warming and your soil definitely needs to get the work done. 

Now if you mulch late this will end up in insulating the soil, preventing dormancy of plants, this is very important and required for hibernation helping the plants to make it through the winter months.

When is the best time to put compost 

The best time that you can choose to compost your soil is between the harvest and the growing season when you are preparing your garden beds. If you’re making your own compost then we recommend to compost during spring because it gives your compost that additional time to age. Let nature take its course and the worms that are in the soil will help to mix the compose thoroughly with the soil. However, if you planning to utilize the compost that is purchased from your local garden shop then I always recommend late spring because this compost has a finer texture and will mix quickly with the soil.

Perennial perils 

Many gardeners depend on mulching due to its ability to retain the moisture of the soil and keep it free from weeds. However, these are just two benefits of the many that mulching offers. I must also point out that you must keep away from mulching perennials that are tender because they have a tendency of breaking in the early spring. You could mulch perennial flowers that return every year like peonies and hosts are the time when these flowers are totally dormant and after the flowers have hardened.

Perils with homemade compost 

When your compost is ready to be utilized you have to make sure that you allow the compost to stand for a while. You must also make sure that the compost is free from weeds and diseased plants that could corrupt the soil and harm your plants. Be sure to learn more about making your own compost and utilizing it in your gardens.

Overall, always make sure to aerate the soil, I prefer to do it with a broad fork, it gets the work done and does not damage the structure of the soil. I do hope you have received more clarity from this article, happy gardening!

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