Mushroom compost is definitely an excellent addition to enhancing your garden requirements. It is also known to be an excellent soil builder and extremely beneficial to keep the moisture of the soil helping it in breaking down heavy clay. 

However, if you have queries like what exactly is mushroom compost? Ways to utilize it? Best time to put mushroom compost on a garden? Then you stop by the right place, keep reading and learn all about it.

If you have ever made it to the local garden shop and got yourself a sack of mushroom compost you would have read on it a label that says mushroom soil or mushroom compost. Many of us would also presume that this compost is probably made from mushrooms or maybe it is derived from mushrooms that are growing. But just to point out this is not universally correct. There are numerous stages to mushrooms composting and all of them are labeled as mushroom compost.

Mushroom compost is a title that is used to a medium which is known as Substrate. This is where mushrooms grow. The mushroom substrate is then blended in commercial blends that include chicken manure, horse manure, gypsum, or wheat straw. There are various other ingredients that are also utilized however these ingredients are very common.

The organic mushroom compost has an aroma that is earthy, chestnut brown in color, and a texture that is crumbly. Mushroom compost contains iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium, phosphate, and nitrogen. Excellent amendment to your soil and works as a fertilizer that is light and helps the soil to also retain its moisture.

If you are located in a place that is drought-affected then adding this compost to your soil will increase the ability of the soil to hold water and enhances water transmission through the soil allowing it to stay moist for a longer duration. It is excellent and can be utilized for plants that need plenty of hydration. It also helps many gardeners that are not able to frequently water the plants. When you utilize mushroom compost, it will reduce the water required to grow the plants. The ability to retain elevated levels of moisture makes this compost an excellent way to conserve water and help our environment. It is 100% an eco-friendly compost that you could use in your garden.

If the current soil in your garden has heavy clay, then mushroom compost is excellent to help break down the dense clay over a period of time improving the drainage and structure of the soil and making it very suitable to grow your plants.

The foliage and plants require a certain level of nitrogen and mushroom compost has an altered level of nitrogen making it excellent and promotes healthy growth. If you know about mushroom composting then you must already know that mushrooms consume plenty of nutrients therefore it acts like a fertilizer that is extremely light, enriching the soil gradually. It does not get nutrient-dense, avoiding weeds to grow among your plants.

That’s all for this article folks and I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thank you for stopping by and happy composting. 

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