Today every family is trying to adopt an eco-friendly habit, however, over the years we have noticed that these sorts of trends a short-lived. Composting on the other hand has been carried down from one generation to another. In fact, since the pandemic hit us all, many have had that extra time on their hands to take on a hobby or an eco-friendly habit. Many of my family members and friends have taken up gardening, cooking, and even composting. Composting is an excellent initiative and if it is taken up by every home, it would have a remarkable difference on our planet. Recycling all our household and yard waste is an excellent way to reduce the overspills of our landfills. Are you joining this excellent initiative of composting? A warm welcome and thank you for being an eco-warrior.

The initial step of composting requires a good compost jar. If you’re just starting out, the whole thought of composting at home would seem daunting and many newbies have a misconception that the entire task of composting is messy and gross. But that’s not really the case, if you’re working with the right equipment and tools, it is a pleasurable experience, not just for you but, for the entire family as well. There are certain things that you must consider while selecting a compost jar. Let’s discuss these details.

Selecting a jar to be your compost jar 

You should make a list of your requirements, where exactly you wish to place this jar? The capacity of the jar you’re looking at? But above all, you must also decide on a budget? If you have researched in the local shops or online, I’m confident you have come across a wide range of variously compost jars. These jars are available in various materials, colors feature, and price tags. The cheapest jars that you would get in the market is around $10, and it would go all the way up to $1000 a more. So, you must make your list before you shop.

Material of the jar for your compost jar 

Compost jars are available in various materials that include stainless steel, plastic, ceramic, etc. So, what sort of material are you comfortable using? If you have pets, children, or if you have butterfingers then ceramic jars are not advisable. You would rather consider stainless steel or plastic jar.

The capacity of the jar for your compost jar  

You must decide in which room you want to place your compost jar. The capacity of the jar should be at least one gallon for a medium-sized family, as it would save you frequent trips to your main composter.

Features and functions of the compost jar 

The jar should be user-friendly making your daily composting experience convenient. It should have airtight lids with filters, this will avoid spillage of compost materials, and it also controls the odor. Likewise, there should be other features like, it should have a sturdy handle making mobility easy, premium quality materials, etc.

Price tag for a compost jar 

I always suggest to never go in for the extremely cheap jars, because you would find yourself paying for a new one soon, never compromise quality over price. 

I do hope that these few insights will help you shop for your next compost jar. Happy composting!

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