Planning on having your very own compost pile in your backyard? It’s an excellent idea, go for it! Almost 50% of our household and yard waste are composable items therefore I am confident that you would have a very convenient experience composting. You will be able to compose however I always believe that if you have the right set of tools and the right knowledge the entire experience can be faster and comfortable. The best thing I love the most about nature is, everything that nature has can be used, right from the rotting, nasty zucchini to the scented lavender blossoms in your garden. When you decide to compose at home you can utilize the unwanted extras and all the leftover foods, recycling them into your soil in order to boost the fertility and productivity of the landscapes and gardens. Let’s learn more about how to make compost in your home. 

What is compost 

Compost is also called black gold by many as it is simply decompose materials that are organic. Bacteria that are present in degradable trash tend to work upon all your composting material and by the end of the process, you have nutrient-rich compost. Nature has its way of helping us make the perfect amendment, enriching our soil without having the worry about polluting water or burning plants.

Advantages of compost 

  • To begin with it is free! All you need to do is segregate your yard and kitchen waste along with other compostable materials that you would throw away.
  • The fact that you will save up a lot of money from buying chemical-filled fertilizers from your local garden shop can be a major motivator.
  • Utilizing compost for your soils and potting mixes enriches the soil resulting in vigorous plants and it doesn’t matter what kind of herbs or vegetables you’re growing.
  • It also improves the garden soil aeration, texture, and structure.
  • When compost is added to sandy soil it loosens up the soil and allows it to retain sufficient water. 
  • You will not need to makes fertilizers for your soil. Compost has certain nutrients that aid optimum growth to your plans. It also has components that include potassium, phosphorus, and nitrogen. It is excellent in supplying micronutrients to your plants in small portions that include zinc, molybdenum, magnesium, iron, iodine, copper, cobalt, and boron.

How to make compost at home?  

Select a bin 

Now that you’re planning to make your compost at home it is important that you get a good composter. I’m sure you must have already done your research and come across various composers in different shapes, sizes, materials, and price tags. When you are talking about an outdoor composter make sure it is constructed from sturdy material, a tumbling type (if you don’t want to get your hands messed up), airtight lid. Always make sure that your pile is about three feet wide and tall this is an ideal size for you to maintain sufficient heat.

Choose an ideal location 

Now that you have got your bin, choosing a good location is important, it should not be too far away from your kitchen door that it’s inconvenient especially during winters and summers and it should not be too close where you would have to put up with the stench. Also, make sure it is not close to your neighbor’s house in order to continue having happy neighbors. 

Overall, at all times make sure that your bin has sufficient water and airflow which is very important for the entire process. All the best!

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