Are you planning to make your compost in your backyard? Well, that’s excellent! Recycling all your household and yard waste to make nutrient-rich compost is ideal. It is also an eco-friendly habit that many households are adopting. Having the entire family participate in it makes it a fun activity. In this article we’ll discuss all the best ways that you can start a compost bucket.

Now there are numerous ways for you to begin composting, you can create your compost in five ways that include; 

  1. Vermicomposting 
  2. Soil incorporation 
  3. Compost heaps 
  4. Turning units 
  5. Holding units 

This article is written with a focus to help beginners to start composting therefore we would focus more on the method that includes heap composting because it is less expensive and a very easy way for you to compose. 

Now heap composing, there are no specific structures that are needed; however, we suggest using a compost bucket. The only reason for me to suggest a bin is because a compost pile or heap in your backyard may not look as tidy and neat when compared to a compost bucket, however, it is an ideal choice for newcomers. If you do not wish to use a bin you could then camouflage the pile with fencing or flowering plants.

How to compost 

Initially, you would need to follow a few steps that are very simple; 

  • Create a compost heap  
  • Add organic matter 
  • Add water 
  • Mix it well 

Making the compost heap 

There are a couple of things that are essential for you to consider; 


Make sure you use a location that has good drainage, level area, and is open. Do not let the compost stand in water. The location should also have partial shade and sun. Excessive sun will dry it out and too much shade will keep it wet. The location you select should be convenient for you. Keep it away from areas with animals that eat meat.


The ideal size for the pile is a minimum of three feet and a maximum of five feet. If it is smaller than the recommended measurements it will have difficulties heating up and if it is larger, it will retain excessive water. If you do not choose to use a bin then we recommend to stock the pile on the bare ground and not on concrete because the pile requires microbes and aeration.

The key to composting is having a good balance of greens and browns. Greens are rich in nitrogen and Browns are rich in carbon. So, make sure that your pile has an alternate layer of browns and greens, the similar way that you use to make lasagna! 

All the bulkier materials try and put them down first this means you would have to begin with browns. Place 4 inches off browns and make sure that they are chopped up fine. The next layer will include greens of four inches. In this manner keep alternating. 

Once you’re done make sure to add water just enough for the pile should not be soggy but just damp. Once in a couple of days be sure to turn and mix the pile, this will expedite the process.  

If you follow these instructions, you will be able to compost successfully even if you’re a first-timer. All the best!

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