Hey guys and welcome to this article where we will be discussing in detail the best compost for growing tomatoes. As gardeners, we are always in search of the best composed for our vegetation, now tomatoes require composed that can hold sufficient nutrients and moisture however; it must also be free draining. If you know a lot about soil then you would notice that there are tiny particles well known as clay that hold nutrients and moisture within. Now all you need to do is add fine gravel and sand allowing it to drain easily giving you the finest of everything.

This has been a very interesting topic of discussion for quite some time and many gardeners actively seek a solution. Some time ago I had read an interesting discovery that was made in France, it showed that the overall composition of the soil that is used for growing tomatoes has a great impact on the flavor of the tomatoes, and otherwise it relies on the plants genetics and the kind. 

To make it simple, tomatoes receive the flavor directly from the mud they grow in, it is very similar to wine. If you want to grow flavorsome tomatoes then you will require loamy soil, the soil must be rich in humus. There are numerous tests that have been conducted that have shown peat soil and sandy soil don’t  offer a complete development in flavor. So, I recommend that you stay away from composed that is cheap, not loamy, and very rich in peat. In addition, this compost will also have sludge.

I say it is best to keep away a mixture of sand and garden soil, it is useful only if your soil is extremely loamy. In such a situation it could help make up at least 25% of the overall soil volume. Therefore, in such a case, it would be around two liters for a plant tub of 10 liters.

You must also remember that if you plan to make a mix all on your own it will alter the structure of peat compost. The overall PH value always has an effect on the nutrients of the plant. From my experience, I have noticed that tomatoes lower the ph. value of the soil because of the root secretion, Therefore I find it very helpful to add all the garden compost onto the tomato plants. I have always noticed that garden compost happens to be a bit alkaline, hence it’s able to cope up with an unnatural reduction of ph. levels. I have also notice that adding a bit of lime has also proved to be an excellent alternative. Usually, I would add 100 grams of sandy soil and 50 grams of loamy soil every square meter, hence a teaspoon heaped will be enough for a plant tub of 10 liters.


Whether you plan to get your composed from the garden shop or you plan to make it on your own, whatever way you choose to go I always recommend you should have sufficient knowledge. It is also essential that you can reuse the soil instead of Changing the whole thing and incurring major costs before replanting your new crop. I usually sow some leaf lettuce and lambs lettuce before I can reseed. This definitely helps in loosening up the soil especially in the window boxes every time. I do hope this article has helped you thank you for stopping by, happy harvesting!

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