Compost toilets are excellent, taking away some of the quite common issues that we face in modern systems. A composting toilet uses human excrement and converts it into nutrient-rich compost. This compost is extremely beneficial as plant food. Today there are effective and simple ways to make your very own compost toilets, however, there are many composters that worry about the various pathogens that could be present in them. If you are a confident composter, you will not hesitate to utilize a well-aged humanure compost. This can be utilized in your fruit and vegetable patches, and you will enjoy a bountiful. Now the main focus here is on making the utmost use of recycling waste and keep our water sources from contracting.

With all said and done, urine is quite different type of excretion. It doesn’t have to ring alarm bells. Composting toilets that are considerably basic and is anti-urine, decrease the level of moisture, many argue this should not be an issue. Some studies have also shown that it is particularly good for your thunderbox. 

Urine does not have pathogens, unlike solid excrement. Many gardeners utilize it in many ways to boost the production of their crops. Urine has elevated levels of nitrogen, therefore always remember to dilute it at a ratio of 10:1 along with water being utilized for the plants. If the urine is kept and it gets old you could be facing an issue of bacteria, which leads to a foul odor. You can sprinkle your soil, in the area near your plants. You can also use it as foliar spray. This boost of nitrogen will rejuvenate the mulch along with the soil life below. 

Making fertilizers 

Technically urine consist mostly of water with traces of vitamins and minerals that are dissolved in it. The other 10% contains an organic compound known as urea. It has increased levels of nitrogen. Today synthetic urea has occupied a big market in terms of chemical fertilizers. I agree our bodies do produce an organic and cleaner version of nutrients for the plants. If you want lasting power compared to foliar spray, then consider mixing ashes with urine. This combination is derived from extensive research that proves the effectiveness as they outperform numerous chemical fertilizers. Now both the components are easily available, it would be wise enough to combine the powers to grow your veggies. 

Storing Compost 

You will come across numerous ways for you to store the compose. However, when you make it frequently, it adds volume maintaining the level of moisture. Urine is an excellent stimulator to compost. This is because it has uric acids, a proficient level of nitrogen, and sufficient moisture, making it extremely beneficial for composting. The level of uric acids is remarkably high in the mornings, this is the proper time for you to collect the urine in your compost bin. 

Pee Bale is also an extremely popular way of composting by using urine. This is helpful to collect your urine and saves you the walk to your compost heap, keeping you away from having to deal with the chamber pots. 

That’s all for this article I do hope it has been of great help to understand all about using urine in compost. Happy composting!

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