Hey guys and welcome to this article. Are you new to composting? If so then you have reached the right place. We will be discussing all about compost and the numerous benefits and uses of compost.

What is compost? 

Compost is a substance that looks a lot like soil however; it is made from recycling all our household and yard waste. It is a balanced ratio of greens and browns. Greens are high in nitrogen and Browns are high in carbon. If you’re not familiar with the terms greens and browns, then let me explain further. Greens consist of all your kitchen scraps that include leftover foods, green grass, weeds, vegetable, and fruit peelings, etc. Mostly all the wet stuff. Browns include all the yard waste like dried leaves, twigs, and also newspaper, tissues, etc. If there are too much greens, it would release a lot of moisture and lead to a foul stench. On the other hand, if you add too much browns, it would dry up the pile and halt the process of decomposition. The correct ratio is 1:4 of greens and browns.

All this is added into your composter, under controlled degradation process, which also involves you having to frequently mix the pile for sufficient oxygen. At the end of the entire process, you would receive a deep brown, crumbly texture finished product. It will have an earthy fragrance. This is where you know that you have finally successfully made black gold in your backyard. 

Uses of compost 

Compost can be utilized in many ways. It is excellent and can be mixed with most soils in order to enhance the nutrient levels of the soil. 


During the year at any point of time, if you look at your plants, be it in the garden or your containers at home and you feel they look so glum, you don’t have to stress. All you need to do is add a little compost to the topsoil and in no time, you would have happier and greener plants.

Sandy soil 

If the soil in your garden is sandy, it will not retain moisture and your plans would wither out in no time. When you mix compost to sandy soil it enhances the texture of the soil and increases the capacity of the soil to hold water. This is particularly beneficial if you are located in a drought-affected area or if your location faces excessive heat. Once you mix compost into the soil you can be at piece, that your plants will get sufficient nutrients and water.

Dense clay Soil 

If the soil in your garden is likely you can add compost to it. By doing so it would loosen the soil, allowing aeration of oxygen and water. The roots of the soil would have enough of space to grow and to absorb the required nutrients. The soil will now not hold excess water, but the compost will allow adequate drainage. 

Vegetable and flower beds 

You can add compost to your vegetable and flower beds, before planting. However, during the growing season if you feel that your flowers and vegetables require that extra boost all you have to do is sprinkle compost around it. Compost has a nature of breaking down slowly and giving the plants adequate nutrients. By the end of the season, you would yield a rich harvest.

Compost can be used in many ways, and are a friend to gardeners and farmers. Do let us know how do you use your compost. Happy gardening! 

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