There are numerous bacteria that are found in all living habitats. These bacteria have a very important role in terms of composting. Without these bacteria, we would not be able to make compost. In the garden compost, we find various bacteria that are popularly known as garbage collectors. They clean up all the trash and create useful products.

These bacteria can live in conditions that are extreme, where most lifeforms cease to exist. If you look around in nature, you would notice that compost is available in various locations that include the forest. They have bacteria that enhance the compost, decomposing organic materials like animal droppings and trees. Utilizing these bacteria in the garden is an eco-friendly habit. It will be worth all your efforts. 

Compost bacteria – work they do 

In our gardens we will find bacteria that are beneficial that are all the time extremely busy in breaking organic materials. They also create heat and carbon dioxide. Your compost can have temperatures of 140 degrees Fahrenheit only because of these microorganisms love the heat. These bacteria are busy working all the time in different conditions breaking down various organic materials. Once these materials are decomposed, you will receive organic compost that is rich in nutrients. This compost helps you to enhance the soil of your garden, improving the health of the plants.

Various kinds of bacteria in the compost 

I’m confident many of you are thinking, what are the various kinds of bacteria that thrive in the compost? As I mentioned earlier there are numerous types, and each of these bacteria requires a certain kind of condition to complete its job. Let’s take a look at a few of the most common bacteria’s that you would find in the compost. 

  • First kind of bacteria that is called psychrophiles, they a pretty tough bacterium. They can work even when the climate gets cold and below freezing point. 
  • Then you have another kind of bacteria known as Mesophiles, but get working only in temperatures ranging from 70 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit. They are aerobic powerhouses that get most of the decomposition work done. 
  • Then comes the Thermophilic bacteria’s that increase the temperatures of the pile, killing seeds of weeds that could be present.

Aiding compost bacteria 

You can lend a helping hand to the bacteria present in the pile simply, by adding certain ingredients to the heaps and mixing it regularly. By doing so, the oxygen level increases, supporting decomposition. Bacteria that enhance the compost get a lot of work done within the pile however there is a lot that we can do to maintain the pile. This will ensure that the finished product you receive is rich nutrients because, you have managed to aid the bacteria present in the mix. When you add a balanced number of greens and browns, mixing regularly, the bacteria are able to get the job done faster.

Bacteria that are evolved and locally enriched with a familiar variant of species are observed in various compost. There have been detailed studies and comparisons made of the diversities of these bacteria’s and they revealed a major difference. Overall, you will find bacteria that enhance compost, all we need to do is make sure that your pile gets sufficient air, water, food, and light. Well, this is all about beneficial compost bacteria, I do hope you enjoyed reading it. Thanks, take care. 

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