Compost is an excellent amendment to your soil that leads to productive healthy plants. Once you have dressed the garden soil during fall with rich compost, and you’re wondering how long is it going to last? Then don’t stress yourself about it because you have stopped by the right place. Today we will discuss how long does compost lasts in the soil.

Homemade and commercial compost will last for over a year if sealed properly. However, the microbial activity and volume of the compost could reduce quite a bit post the initial year.

It’s time that you give your plans good organic nutrients, by reducing the waste allowing them to thrive better. Maybe you prefer to utilize commercial compost, or you prefer utilizing homemade one, composting is always adventurous. 

Let’s understand compost better 

If you apply the homemade compost to your garden plots, beds as well as trees they can very quickly turn into green and healthy plants, and you would have a bountiful fauna and flora. So, it doesn’t matter if you use commercial or free compost, what’s important here is keeping it safe from anaerobic digestion, moisture, air, and light. I’ve always noticed that compost made at home has a color that is lighter in comparison to the store-bought one. This is great because you can now control the processing and the nutrients of the compost. Always remember to utilize compost that exceeds or even matches regulatory standards. Adding synthetic nitrogen to your soil can harm your crops.

I cannot particularly say that compost expires however, after a year you would notice a decrease in the volume. As we all know that composting is a finished product of numerous organic matters that decompose and go through an extensive process. Suppose your compost has a funny odor then. you must know that something isn’t right with the compost. Your compost will have to be turned in order to allow airflow. Keep it within the container until it is completely ready to be utilized. The container should be free from light and moisture however, you should be sure to not seal it completely because it will require a certain amount of oxygen in order to do to continue the growth of numerous microbes.

It is difficult to point out for how long would the compost last in your soil because it would completely depend upon the weather conditions, the texture of the soil, and the kind of plants that you are growing. We understand that compost has nutrients that are beneficial for your plants. When we add it to the soil it improves the quality of the soil offering added nutrients. This makes your crop grow greener and healthier. Plants absorb only the amount of nutrients they require. So even if you have added a little above the limit that is required, you don’t need to worry about it damaging the plants. 

There’s one thing for sure if you feel your plants look glum, then you know it’s time for you to nourish them with compost. On average gardeners compost the soil before the growing season. You could always stop dress your garden if required. 

That’s all for now, and I do hope that you have received more clarity. Thank you for stopping by. 

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