The frequency in the times you turn your compost pile influences the speed of composting. When you turn it frequently approximately once in two weeks, your compost will be ready sooner. When you wait for two weeks you let the pile heat up, this aids the maximum activity of bacteria within the pile. Composter’s or an average turn the composting pile once in four weeks.

Certain things you must consider when turning your compost pile, all the matter that is to the center of the pile must be moved toward the outsides and vice versa. This allows the materials to move evenly and the distribution of heat accordingly making sure no material remains undone. 

If you take up the task to frequently turn your pile you could expect your compost to be ready within three months but that also depends on which season you are in. Suppose you have started the pile during the cold winter months then you must know that the bacterial activity is pretty slow and I always recommend to not turn the pile during winter. This is to avoid the escape of heat from the center of the pile. 

If it is during summer that you have started your pile then due to the warm temperatures bacterial activities are faster, therefore, expediting the entire process of composting.

It also depends on the kind of system you are utilizing, and I must also point out that it is not always the case that if the temperatures are high, the results are faster.

Let’s take a quick look and learn how you can receive more by doing less; 

Turn the pile 

If you want your pile to be hot you must understand that it would require sufficient aeration because all the microorganisms within the pile require oxygen in order for them to function more efficiently. Cold piles benefit occasionally from turning, interrupting aerobic processes if in case it’s happening especially if there are depths that are oxygen-deprived. If you feel that the pile has started anaerobic or producing ammonia start turning immediately. How would you find out of any such activities? You don’t have to worry about that, the stink from the pile will give you a hint!

Turning is a method that is time-honored, it aerates the pile eliminating the need for the laborious undertaking. Turning is nothing but mixing the compost pile. Traditionally it is done by using a pitchfork however today with modern technologies we have various sorts of compost bins, the turning and the tumbler types too. So, if you do not like to get your hands messy by digging them into your compost piles then you must go ahead and get yourself that excellent tumbler bin for your backyard. Honestly, I have one and it makes my life super convenient.

Mixing your compost pile accomplishes two purposes; 

  1. It moves the matter from an inactive, relatively cool periphery to a more active center. 
  2. It also aerates the pile 

Now with regards to how often you should turn it, I have seen some that are very enthusiastic, and almost every day they turn their pile however we do recommend once or twice a week and you’re good to go. So do follow the few tricks and tips that we have mentioned here, you will be able to successfully compost!

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