If you prefer organic gardening then it is important that you understand everything required to successfully compost as composting is a vital part of all organic gardening. It also completely depends on the kind of methods you utilize; it is definitely an amazing alternative to chemical fertilizers and various other amendments to the soil. I do agree that chemical fertilizers offer an immediate boost that helps to spurt the growth of your plant, however, the micronutrients, beneficial organisms, and minerals seem to be extremely low, and these are very important for the growth of your plants in the long term. These chemical fertilizers will also ruin soil organisms that include earthworms, this upsets the health of the soil as well as the ecosystem.

Now even though our basic understanding of composition is that it is made from organic materials however I must say that technically not all compost is organic. You must understand that all the components that are utilized in an organic compost have to be free from non-organic compounds, synthetic fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides. There are definitely a couple of ingredients that ruin the integrity of an organic compost.

There is a very common ingredient that is utilized to make organic compost and that is grass clippings however you must understand that some lawns are treated with chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides. These products could compromise the integrity of the compost so if you prefer organic compost, I say always utilize grass clippings that are untreated.

Your yard waste like the flowers and veggies is definitely great green material for your compost. So, if you plan to use them in your compost pile make sure that it is not treated with pesticides and chemical fertilizers.

Animal products and manure like bone meal or blood is also an excellent source of nutrients mostly nitrogen. It is a bit tricky to get a certified organic sack of manure locally but the best thing that you can do is locate an organic farm locally and try and make an arrangement with them where you can use the manure without having to purchase it. In my experience, we have seen that the organic farm manure is free from medications and pesticides.

Now certain composters will also try and boost the level of nutrients in the compost by adding chemical fertilizers to the batch. So, if you feel that the nutrients are a concern then; mix the finished compost that you have with the soil and let a few weeks pass. You can then send a sample of this soil to the agency of the state extension. If the results show a lack of nutrients, then you can always add the fertilizers that have been recommended to your soil and not to the entire pile of compost.

Overall, I would say the best organic compost is the one that you make or a certified sack that you can rely on. But at the end of the day making your own compost is not a difficult task given the right equipment. Let me encourage you to start with your own pile it could be a small batch. And remember almost 60% of your household trash consists of compostable waste. Try recycling all your household compostable waste, save up on plenty of money and be at peace that your plants are receiving 100% organic compost.

I do hope this article has helped you. We do hope to see you soon until then take care and stay safe! 

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