Desserts provide great sunshine along with excellent temperatures that sustain many plants however they also have their own challenges. These places do not see sufficient rainfall, the soil is sandy and it’s just too hot! These concerns can also be mitigator to compost, that help and retaining moisture, fixing sandy soil, and insulating the roots of the plants. But all said and done these concerns are also troublesome when you trying to compost. Now the basic science behind composting is it does require a certain amount of moisture in order to compost, and if you look around the desert does not have sufficient moisture. So, what can be done? To successfully decompose you would require at least a minimum of 50% moisture, in layman’s terms it is more like a wet cloth. For some of you, this may already seem too much work, hold on and don’t jump to conclusions, with today’s latest technologies everything is possible.

In this review, we have shortlisted the top three best compost bins for the desert. These bins are specifically designed for the hot climate, even if you’re living at a place that may not be the desert but it is extremely hot then these bins would be ideal for you. They are constructed from premium quality materials and can withstand harsh weather. These bins have sufficient ventilation to allow plenty of oxygen to flow through your compost material. The more oxygen passes through the compost the faster it will break the compost residues giving you your compost within weeks. They also have numerous benefits and unique features, keep reading.

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