Exaco Compost Can Review

If you are in search of an excellent way of involving yourself to compost all the organic waste from your household then you have come to the right place. With Exaco you can now like a pro compose all your day to day trash. This stainless steel composting bucket is excellent not just for your kitchens barrels so to utilize in the outdoors. You don’t need to worry yourself about disposable bags to use with this composting bin, it has a liner within the bucket that will help you to empty the contents of your bin into your main composter. There are various convenient features, take a look at a few.

Key features

  • This composting bin is manufactured by Exaco
  • It is a compact multi-purpose for composting
  • It is cylindrical in shape with a height of 10 inches
  • It is made of stainless steel
  • It is originally manufactured in China
  • It has received an overall rating of 4.1/5 stars
Pros Cons 
This compost bin is extremely convenient and attractive to utilizeThe lid of the bin does not have charcoal activated filters
It is designed for the focus to accumulate all your household organic waste and help you recycle it into rich compost 
It is almost 10 inches tall and can hold sufficient scraps for at least five days until you have the opportunity to transfer them into your main composter 
The lid has a rubber seal that keeps the bin tightly shut avoiding funky smell to spread around the surrounding 

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