Many of my friends have taken up carpentry during this pandemic and they have been enjoying making a couple of DIY articles around the house. I also remember borrowing a couple of bags of sawdust to add to my compost pile. I’m sure you two might have some leftover so does from constructing a raised bed in your garden or maybe chopped down a tree in your yard. Many people also utilized sawdust as bedding animals however, it can be utilized as a component in your compost pile. So, if you’re here looking at the way to compost the sawdust pile that you have at hand then keep reading because we will shortly be discussing it.

Composting sawdust requires lots off materials that contain nitrogen or better known as greens that include grass clippings that are fresh, green leaves, etc. The nitrogen that is present in the green materials are very important to balance the high levels of carbon that is present in sawdust. In order to make sure that your compost pile does not have any chemicals avoid utilizing sawdust that is from treated wood mainly with Chromate Copper Arsenic also known as CCA or any other toxic matter. Sawdust tends to dry out the entire pile of compost so you will have to make sure that you add a sufficient amount of water to maintain the moisture in the pile. Also, mix the pile regularly to aid the flow of oxygen that also encourages a quicker decomposition. And while you do all this never forget to use a mask especially as you work with sawdust. 

How to best compost sawdust?  

The initial step is that you must ensure that the sawdust is 100% safe. If it is derived from a wood that has been chemically treated, I always recommend keeping it away from your compost as it will contaminate the soil and damage your plants. Always use the sawdust from as a reliable source.

Making compost 

Wood that is pressure treated – Certain words have a couple of chemicals that include Chromate Copper Arsenate. It is used on the word in order to preserve it.

Finished wood – any word that is treated with toxic chemicals that include sealers or stains is considered as finished wood 

Plywood – To hold plywood the manufacturers use glue and this glue contains a toxic material called formaldehyde which must be avoided

By railroad ties – these tiles are waterproof. They are soaked in creosote that can leak into the soil

Now suppose you do not have your very own source that has safe and clean sawdust then you could also approach a neighboring shop like; 

  • A company that removes trees –  
  • Woodworking shop 
  • A sawmill 

Remember that sawdust will compost in six months if the proper care is taken and it receives the right conditions that include;

  • The correct ratio of nitrogen to carbon in your compost heap. This means that you need to have a balance of browns and greens.
  • Maintaining the correct level of moisture within the pile. The pile should also not be too dry or too wet. 
  • Mixing the compost once in few days is very necessary to aerate the file and encourage various bacteria to actively grow.

If you follow the suggestions mentioned in this article you would be able to successfully and effectively-compost sawdust. All the best

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