There are certain plants that need more acidic or infertile soil and they are termed as ericaceous plants. Camellias, rhododendrons, and azaleas thrive in soil that is rich in acid and finds it extremely difficult to grow in alkaline soils. So, if you’re today visiting us to find out an absolution for the best compost that you can utilize for azaleas then you stop by the right place. We will discuss all about ericaceous plants and the type of compost they require, so stay tuned. 

The best way that you can tackle the issue of handling azaleas’ plan is by utilizing ericaceous compost. This compost is specifically designed to add an acidic and pH level through the soil. Furthermore, you may have to conduct a test to check the level of pH in the soil in order to learn more about the alkalinity and acidity levels of the soil. 

Azaleas are flowering shrubs. They are available in numerous colors that you can choose from that includes yellows, oranges, reds, purples, and pinks. They are excellent if you have a spot in a bed that is shady or the woodland border of the garden. However, you could also choose to grow them in your pots and containers. Many cultivators choose to grow them as an indoor show plant. 

General care 

These plants definitely require ericaceous compost and are not that fussy. You can successfully cultivate these plants. If you’re planning to place them in pots and containers, they will require sufficient water. You should also consider allowing these pots to receive rainwater because the tap water tends to get too alkaline for these plants. If you have been composting, then you could also use a portion of the compost with the soil. Be sure to use 1/3 compost to soil ratio, do not overdo it with the compost. Make sure the soil is receiving adequate moisture. If the roots are not waterlogged then these plants will thrive and grow very well, they also enjoy plenty of sunlight. 

There are various dwarf azaleas that you would find, and you would be very delighted to grow them in your pots but be sure to use ericaceous compost. This compost you can easily find at your local compost suppliers and garden centers. You can also purchase them online with much ease.

If the soil in your garden is alkaline then we recommend to not try and grow rhododendrons and azaleas. However, after testing your soil if the pH levels are good, you could then go ahead and work with them. If you’re looking at increasing the activity level in the soil, adding iron sulfate to the base of the azaleas will help. You can also do this while planting it. Make sure that you keep applying this regularly, purchase a good soil testing kit to periodically check your soil, and make sure that the acidic level is balanced. The best thing that you can do is wait till the plants begin to look peaky before you can reapply.

At the end of the day whenever your plants look sad try to apply ericaceous fertilizers. Also try and consider to repot all your container plants, once in a couple of years. I do hope that the tips we have shared give you adequate insight and helps you with your gardening. All the best!

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