Today compost tea seems to be trending in the world of gardening however; just like health, gardening has its own fads. Once Upon a time everybody considered whole grains and raised beds trendy but today, they are considered to be vital components for good health and good gardening. Currently, compost tea is trending in the world of gardening however; will this also be short-lived and move onto a status beyond fad?

When the water has steeped composed in it, it is known as compost tea. Compost tea is a liquid that has microorganisms and nutrients along with certain compounds known as humates. This helps the plants utilize the nutrients much better. In recent years many gardeners have moved on to utilize compost tea because it is liquid and offers the ability to offer nutrients along with microorganisms to the soil. A healthy composed and soil contain microorganisms that offer protection from diseases that include root diseases. It also enhances the structure of the soil and offers numerous benefits that include water retention and aeration. And as I mentioned earlier it enhances the uptake of nutrients. 

Many gardeners that utilize compost tea have shared their experiences on how this brew that is full of microorganisms offers similar sort of benefits. When these microorganisms are sprayed on the leaves, they help to fight garden diseases. In order to promote microorganisms, composed tea has adopted a high-tech process. Brewing machines are now commercially available and they offer vigorous and constant aeration. These machines also add materials that include molasses, rock powder, and kelp. This helps to stimulate the growth of microbial. Numerous dissenters are emerging making it easy for you to buy freshly brewed tea for your garden. There are also many laboratories that you will find around your area that would help you to gauge the compost tea quality and the microorganisms in it. 

It also offers additional benefits of lightning the application on your plants. You do not have to go through the hassle of drenching the soil that is required especially when you’re using liquid fertilizers. 15 to 18 gallons of compost tea will allow you to inoculate one acre in comparison to 1000 gallons needed.  

Recently I read an article where it said that scientifically these claims seem pretty thin. Very few studies yield results that are positive and these results are meaningless or trivial to backyard gardeners. 

Affecting diseases 

This is a promising report that speaks of compost tea having a positive effect on garden diseases that include gray mold and mildew. The compost tea had beneficial bugs in it and when it is applied on the leaves of your garden it antagonizes all the bad bugs, these microorganisms keep away diseases and help you maintain a green and healthy garden. 

Overall, I would like to point out that all these claims that have been made regarding compost tea have been inconsistent and anecdotal. Scientific research has shown positive results but again they have been very few and lack of results.

There is ongoing research on this amazing liquid fertilizer. All I can say is that this mixture is harmless, in case you plan to use it go ahead and utilize it but always remember anything in excess is never good. All the best! 

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