Some of the largest consumers of rice are Asians. An average household in Asia consumes around 500 kilograms of rice annually. However, Americans do not share such a passion for rice because most of us prefer pasta however; there are a few that do consume rice and that would be around 10 kilograms annually. If you’re reading this article, it means that you have rice in your kitchen and wondering if you could add it to your compost pile. Rice is consumed in various ways if you’re wondering which is the safest way to add it raw or cooked then keep reading as we will discuss if you can compost rice and the best way to do so.

Can you compost uncoocked rice? 

If you have some raw rice in your bins and it’s past due, you could add it to your compost pile however, I would like to point out that it will attract various rodents and insects. 

A huge hot pile of compost in your backyard is a concern and would be an excellent place for you to add your uncooked rice. However, if you are a composter that has certain issues with rodents then I would suggest to stay away from adding it to your pile. If they are smaller amounts, I think it should be fine however; you must make sure that you don’t end up overdoing it.

Can you compost cooked rice  

Many times, it so happens that we have made a rice dish on special demand from family members and there’s quite a bit that’s leftover. Can we add it to the compost pile? When you add cooked rice to the pile it will decompose, and it breaks down very fast becoming a ground for the breeding of bad bacteria. Cooked rice tends to attract visitors that are unwelcomed to the pile, even worse if the rice is covered in oil and sauce. 

Having pest visit the compost pile is not a concern for every composter however, these pest do pause risks of bacteria that are very harmful therefore many do not compost cooked rice. 

Composting rice – reasons 

I’m sure as a composter we feel disappointed to get rid of organic materials that could be composted. And if you have been composting for years and you understand the entire process you begin to feel like it’s alright to compost almost all compostable waste – including rice. 

Composting rice – why not to 

Rice comes in all sizes, some are fine and some are long however, all of them are small. If you have worked with rice, you would have noticed the moment moisture gets to it gets sticky making the grains to clump up, turning anaerobic. This situation in the pile Leads to a stinky compost pile. 

If you have taken all your precautions to avoid clumping, you will not have issues with bad bacteria and pests which we have already discussed earlier. Many composers also feel that when you add rice to the file the benefits of adding it are few in comparison to the disadvantages.

That’s all for this article guys and I do hope a few insights discussed to allow you to make a convenient composting decision. All the best!

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