My garden seems to be infested with weeds! Utilizing these weeds in my compost would give that boost of rocket fuel however I cannot risk spreading those seeds and increasing my work of harvesting these weeds. What can be done? If you’re in a similar situation like me then read on to know more about what steps can you take that would help you with the whole weed situation and can you compose weed? Keep reading to learn all about it.
There is numerous methods you could follow to compost these weeds without any future hassles.
- Always compose the weeds before them seeding
- Suppose your weeds are already seeded then they can be composted in a pile that is hot. It must have temperatures between 50 – 60 C, killing all the seeds.
- If you do not have hot compost don’t worry you can kill the seats before you begin to compose them all you need to do is dry it in the hot sun. Place them on newspaper or cardboard and place them in the hot sun for a couple of days until they get toasty. You will also notice that the newspaper or the cardboard has already started decomposing so you can dump the entire thing in your pile.
- You can also choose to quarantine plants that are diseased in a compost pile of their own. The fungi all the bacteria that have caused this disease will be eaten by microorganisms, poisoned, or even starved. Thermophiles, increased microbes temperature is lethal.
- You can solarize noxious weeds. All you have to do is place it in a bag that is plastic add some water and keep it in the sun, they will begin to slime. Hay And manure are excellent compost additives however frequently they do carry weed seeds.
These are precious resources and you should use them as much as you can, there are numerous ways for you to overcome the weeds. You can begin a compost heap that would consist of seedy and weedy waste. You can also have another bin or pile that will hold materials that are free from weeds like coffee grounds, grass clippings, sawdust, and leaves. As the bene weeds begin to decompose you can mix the entire heap with weed sprouts that are mashed. Maintain temperatures of 50 C for a span of three days. This will kill all seeds and you will not lose the microbes that are beneficial.
You always have to make sure that no seeds are left, so to be doubly sure you may have to solarize the entire compost. However, you have to make sure that the temperature doesn’t cross 70 C. This could lead to damaging the life in the soil. You could also place it in a can next to the finished compost in a bin or a bag, if there are seeds, they would sprout you can then get rid of them. In this way the life in the soil is happy and you get rid of all the seeds.
Well, that’s all for this article and I am glad to answer your question of can compost weeds? You follow the tips that I have mentioned and you will be successful in composting the weeds from your garden. Happy Composting!