Have you recently cut down a tree in your yard and have plenty of wood at hand and looking at a way to compost it fast? Well, then you stop by the right place we will discuss how to compost wood chips fast. Wood and chip bark naturally decomposes at a very slow rate. It also depends upon the size of the wood it would take many months. However, when we talk about wood chips that are small in size, they will decompose way faster in comparison to an entire log.

The main ingredient for the entire process is nitrogen bacteria and fungi utilize it in order to break down wood to the composite ingredient.

You must always remember to maintain a balance of nitrogen and carbon in your compost pile in order for it to heat up and break down all the wood in your compost quicker.

Boosting bit of decomposition 

In order to expedite the process of decomposing of wood chips always make sure to have the following; 

  • Rake 
  • Pitchfork 
  • Shovel 
  • Organic greens 
  • Granular fertilizer – NPK 
  1. Use the rake to collect bark and wood chips – make sure you place the pile in a location where it would get direct sunlight for a minimum of six hours in a day.
  2. Combine equal portions of green materials – for this, you can utilize fruits and vegetable scraps, animal manure, or even coffee grounds. Always remember to speed up the process, all materials must be cut into small pieces.
  3. Utilizing granular fertilizer – if the pile you have is big then you would require two handfuls. NPK fertilizers consist of equal portions of potassium, phosphorus, and nitrogen. However, if you wish for it to be completely organic then you can substitute it with chicken manure or urine, both are very good sources of nitrogen.
  4. Adding water to the pile – water helps to soak up all the fertilizers and helps in dissolving wood chips.
  5. Homogenic – Combine all the materials in the pile or a container with similar height, width, and length. This aids in heating the pile well. The ideal size is up to three to five cubic feet, we have noticed that it works very well in many cases. 
  6. Mixing the pile – now that you have created the pile you must mix it well once in two weeks. The best way to mix it is by turning all the material from the middle to the outer part of the pile. Within three months you would have your compost ready to use. 

In addition, I would also like to point out that wood chips tend to compost quicker during summer due to the increased temperatures in the center. You should refrain from mixing the entire pile during the winter months. When you mix the pile all the heat that is within the pile will escape, slowing down the process of decomposition.

That’s all for this article and before I leave, I would like to give you one more tip that do not forget the filter the finished compost. If there are any wood chips remaining in it remove them and added to the next pile. All the best guys!

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