Here we will discuss about planting seeds indoors and growing them till they are big enough to be shifted outdoors. Sowing seeds and growing them at home is a tough job considering the delicate plant structure and low tolerance to other problems. After sprouting many seedlings don’t make it through as they are fragile, most seedlings fall prey to heavy watering in extra pressure and also due to external changes like weather and pests. Troubles also arise when there is over crowding within the seed tray or container hence pricking them and planting out becomes necessary. Pricking out seedlings also leads to mortality as it may cause damage to the plant as well as the roots if not attended properly. These all problems are to be dealt with efficiently inorder to have your plants grow better and produce good harvest.

Indoor seedlings The basic problem faced by indoor seedlings is that they lack sunlight which is the basis for their growth, as we all know that plants prepare their food in presence of sunlight and water. Some people grow seedlings below florescent bulbs, this helps the growth but seedlings naturally stretch themselves to any light. Even if you adjust the light source indoors still there is stretching which leads to exposure of the stem, an exposed stem makes the already delicate seedling even fragile. The stretched stem should be kept safe from bending or getting bruised as the seedling wont survive any further stress on the stretch. We should also take care while planting the stretched seedling by making sure that the stem gets covered in soil while transplanting I the seedling in its container or outdoors.
The stem of a seedling has tender tissues, once these tissues are injured the seedling easily catches fungus and ultimately it rots. The stretching of stem we discussed above is the major cause of injury to them hence it should be completely avoided or atleast controlled. The seedlings are hungry for light hence they tend to stretch and lean causing them to bend, this damages the tender tissues of their base stem. The seedlings hence need to be supported by adding some extra soil to its base and also by providing external support using any thin stick or toothpick. While dealing with the seedling it is necessary to handle it by the leaves lightly as these seedling leaves are not that useful and the true leaves will grow again.

Every gardener tries their best to grow most of the sprouted seedlings hence they even refrain from pricking them out incase there’s crowding in the container. However pricking them and replanting provides the seedlings an opportunity to grow healthy and flourish moreover the resources available in a single container are seldom sufficient for a growing and producing plant. Replanting the seedlings in individual containers guarantee better growth and multiplies the yield. Less plants in a container also makes it easy for the gardener to inspect, maintain and nourish them when required. It has been noted that many plants Seedcoatsshow excellent progress when pricked from a cluster and planted individually, this progress is not only noted in the growth of that plant but also the increase in its yield.

Most seeds are naturally coated, these seedcoats become sticky as they come in contact with water. This sticky substance helps seeds in staying firm within the soil while the germination proceeds. Normally this seedcoat gets discarded naturally while sometimes it is seen stuck on the seedling leaves. These stuck seedcoats can be removed by gently spraying more water, you can also remove them with your fingers very gently. The seedlings are extremely fragile and tender hence any extra effort will completely damage the seedling.

Soil plays an important role in growth of seedlings, seeds may sprout and leaves may appear however there wont be any further progress as the plant is not getting proper nourishment from the soil. Such plants may also seem sick and tired, this is a crucial stage and is to be addressed immediately by changing the soil. Newly bought soil or the self made potting mixes may sometimes fail to perform hence it becomes mandatory to change the soil and replant the seedlings. Once the seedlings get the desirable soil mix they immediately flourish and start blooming.

Plant nutrientsLike soil, seedlings also need good water to thrive. An indoor seedling can be easily over watered which is not good hence the need of water in a seedling tray can easily be judged by checking its weight. Lighter trays are a sign that plants need water. Normal tap water or drinking water is the best for plants, seedlings should be gently watered when its needed. We have also discussed the watering of seedling trays by just keeping it in shallow waters in our other posts. By keeping the seedling tray or container in shallow water enables the soil to absorb water through its drain hole. Watering this way helps keep the soil surface dry thereby reducing plant diseases, as moisture is a healthy breeding ground for all bad bacteria.

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